Saturday Prayer (Laguz) 2024-08-17

Saturday Prayer (Laguz) 2024-08-17

Saturday Prayer (Laguz): Wash over me, and drown my body in silence, so I may listen to my deeper thoughts.

Runes used in this Saturday Prayer

The Laguz rune represents water and symbolizes the flow of life, intuition, and emotions. In Asatru, it is linked to the primal, ever-moving force that shapes existence. Water is a source of life, growth, and renewal. Laguz embodies this dynamic energy, reflecting the continuous movement of life’s currents.

Laguz also signifies intuition and the subconscious. Just as water can be deep and mysterious, this rune urges individuals to explore their inner selves. It encourages trust in one’s instincts and the wisdom that lies within. In Asatru, this aspect of Laguz aligns with the belief in listening to the inner voice, which often guides one’s actions and decisions.

The rune’s association with flow and movement also extends to the concept of journeying. Life is viewed as a journey, where one must navigate through various experiences, much like a ship sailing on the sea. Laguz teaches adaptability, urging followers of Asatru to move with the currents of life rather than against them. It suggests that resisting the natural flow can lead to struggle, while embracing it can bring harmony.

Laguz also carries feminine energy, linked to the nurturing and life-giving qualities of water. In Asatru, the rune is connected to the goddesses who embody these aspects, like Nerthus, the earth and fertility goddess. Thus, Laguz emphasizes the importance of embracing the nurturing, intuitive, and fluid aspects of life, encouraging balance between action and receptivity.

In summary, the Laguz rune is vital in Asatru, symbolizing life’s flow, intuition, and the deep, transformative power of water.

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