Ascension, The Ymir Trinity

Ascension, The Ymir Trinity is a Military Science Fiction Fantasy book set in the very near future, written by new-on-the-scene author, A. M. Leishman. You can find this book on Amazon at this link. It contains many elements of Norse Mythology with tons of subtle and not-so-subtle subtext (some of it may be offensive). This book assumes a universe were the amazing works of Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda never existed. It portrays Christianity and Norse Paganism as mutually beneficial belief systems while showing the United States military in a positive light.

Book Information
Book Blurb

Ascension, The Ymir Trinity: A clandestine American military team, created to stop the emergence of another hostile demigod, betrayed the world they swore to protect. Led by an Air Force General with his own secrets, they did the unthinkable. They negotiated a partnership with the most powerful being in the known universe, an unassuming demigoddess from Iceland named Alma.

Alma and her young, eugenics obsessed, American companion, Dawn, unwittingly plunged humanity into war after brutal war. With each hard-fought battle, human military and technological progress took a quantum leap forward.

Will humankind’s violence-accelerated evolution raise them to the level of the gods? Was this Ymir’s plan from the beginning?

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