Asatru, The Heathen Path

Asatru, The Heathen Path
Asatru, The Heathen Path

Asatru, The Heathen Path, A Beginner’s Guide to Modern Paganism, by author Erik Hansen. Norse Mythology and Heathen Traditions: A Journey into Norse Paganism Book 4

You can find this book on Amazon at this link: eBook

Book Information
Book Blurb

Ásatrú is a religion that revives, rebuilds, and reimagines the ancient polytheism of Northern Europe. This religious movement officially began in Iceland in 1972, but new iterations of the Old Way quickly spread worldwide, and Asatru is one of the fastest-growing spiritual movements in the United States today. It’s a religion based on a unique relationship between gods and men and reflects the parts of the human heart from which it comes in its very name: As-a-Tro, “one’s faith.”

Erik Hansen, the best-selling author of “Norse Paganism,” has created a complete yet easy-to-follow guide to walking the Asatru path and bringing the values of this ancient faith into your life today.

By reading this book, you will have a comprehensive knowledge of these topics:

Origins and history of Norse Paganism
The basics of Ásatrú and why it differs from other religions
How to walk the heathen path and become Ásatrú
Gods, goddesses, giants, and other fantastic creatures
The nine noble virtues of Ásatrú
Rune meanings and how to use rune stones for divination
Worship, rituals, and ceremonies – how to perform blót and symbel
Viking-era symbols and their meanings

Overcome stereotypes and discover the authentic spirituality of modern heathens. “Ásatrú, The Heathen Path” will allow you to explore the sacred stories of the various pagan deities such as Odin, Thor, Freya, and Tyr and take a look at rituals practiced by Asatruar in their daily lives.

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