The Kinslayer, Sagas Of The Fleshed Lands is a relatively short, Norse fantasy novel epic written by author S.K. Putt. If you enjoy reading a good Norse story with creative animal companions, and strong female characters, check out The Kinslayer. Get your copy at this Amazon link: eBook
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Book Blurb
The Fleshed Lands have worshiped their Gods and Goddesses for as long as time stands. Folk of The Fleshed lands are dedicated relentlessly to whom they worship, that even blood will not deter their allegiances. Raids, riches and thraldom inspire some of these lands, while others seek peace and will protect it fearlessly.
Fenra, The Wolf Goddess and Jörma, The Snake Goddess, are caged and bound by chains in Skýjaþorp, a hall where Gods and Goddesses feast. Fenra and Jörma have selected champions in The Fleshed Lands to find the Twin-Bladed Axe to fulfil the prophecy spoken of in saga tales.
For some champions, raids have taken away everything, including family, and survival is the only goal.
For others, the quest for greatness and to triumph on behalf of their goddess is the only option.
Regardless, all are desperate to find the weapon of prophecy, but at what cost?