The Book of Swedish Fairy Tales is a wonderful book with many short stories in a strong Norse folklore voice. Written by author Anon E. Mouse (that cannot be a real author name….) these retellings will entertain, and perhaps, teach you some things. You can find this book on Amazon at the following link: eBook
Book Information
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Book Blurb
This volume of 28 Swedish fairy-tales represents a careful choice of the best examples of Swedish lore and tales. Every story, at its core, depicts Swedish culture, they are the most colorful and entertaining tales found, for the fairy-tales of Scandinavia, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, have a distinct local color of their own.
Herein you will find 28 children’s stories like the delightful “Lasse, My Thrall”, and “The Princess and the Glass Mountain.” Of course there are stories of princesses rescued from ogres and giants like in the story of “Silverwhite And Lillwacker.” There are also stories of the low-born lad who makes good and becomes a king, like that of “The Mount Of The Golden Queen.” But you can’t have a book of tales from the far Northern realms without a story about a “giant, troll and werewolf”, for this is also the land of Beowulf the Vikings.
We could carry on waxing lyrical for a lot longer but will leave the discovery of these wonderfully, magical tales to you and your kin.